Alicia Juarrero

Founder and President
VectorAnalytica, Inc.
Author, Dynamics in Action: Intentional Behavior as a Complex System

Picture of Alicia JuarreroAlicia Juarrero is Founder and President of VectorAnalytica, Inc. (2013-present). Its Dengue forecasting model was recognized at White House ceremony in September 2015 (sponsored by the Office of Science & Technology Policy).  She is also an Associate Scholar, Department of Philosophy, at the University of Miami (2008-present), and Professor of Philosophy Emerita 2006 Prince George’s Community College in Largo, Maryland.

She is the author of Dynamics in Action: Intentional Behavior as a Complex System, MIT Press (hard back, 1999; paperback, 2002) and Complexity and Constraint: How Context Changes Everything (forthcoming MIT Press). She is the co-editor of Reframing Complexity: Perspectives from North and South (ISCE Publishing, 2004), and Emergence, Self-Organization and Complexity: Precursors and Prototypes (ISCE Publishing, 2008).


2002: U.S. Professor of the Year Award
Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching

1992-2000: Nominated by President of the United States, and Confirmed by U.S. Senate to the National Council on the Humanities (the Advisory Board of the National Endowment for the Humanities NEH)

1992-2000: Served as Chair of NEH Council Committee on State Programs directing Council oversight of $32 million per annum distributed to State Humanities Councils


PhD, MA, and BA -- University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 33124

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